Luisa Freudenberg Coaching

Are you tired of feeling stuck & drained because you spend way too much time overthinking, feeling stressed, and anxious?

If that is the case, I invite you to keep reading.

Because there is more to life than surviving and struggling even though we live in a system that is failing and a society that is built on not enough-ness.
So I invite you to do the most effective work you can possibly do to help heal:
Learning to live your life based on enough-ness and fulfillment and it all starts with the most important relationship you'll ever have in your entire life:
the one to yourself.

I serve people who struggle to feel good enough, are tired of the constant pressure to perform, and want to make sustainable changes so they can create a life based on connection and fulfillment.

I do not serve those who expect life changing results overnight and quick fixes.

We humans are incredibly complex individuals and so is the world we are living in. My work and I honor every single part of you, the experiences you've made that led you to where you're at right now and support you on a deep and effective level without any bypassing. You gotta slow down if you want to go fast.

You are worthy.

It’s time to take ownership over your own life and invest the same energy you like to invest into other people into yourself so you can finally start feeling good about who you are, the life you are building, and the decisions you choose to make.

I am currently accepting 1:1 clients and have 2 spots available.

This is for you if:

you struggle to believe that you are worthy

because you often overthink and doubt yourself and your capabilities.

Tend to feel responsible for other people’s problems and the need to fix them

even though you know it's not your job.

Feel guilty for resting and have a hard time allowing yourself to feel joy and ease

because you always feel the need to be productive and pressure that you're not doing enough.

You have a hard time asking for help

because you think you have to do everything yourself and struggle to trust other people.

Feel very motivated one day and struggle to get out of bed the next day

which makes trusting yourself & your capabillities very hard.

Feel easily influenced by other people’s opinions & advice and are not sure what is true for you

so you often feel like you have no voice.

Often blame / judge / criticize yourself

because you think there is something wrong with you and you need to be fixed.

Feel drained by your friendships and relationships

because you always feel like you're the only one putting in effort.

Constantly feel like you’re not doing enough

and should be smarter, prettier, more productive, etc.

you want your life to feel easier and the same time more fulfilled

but you have no idea how to do that because you get overwhelmed.

Spoiler alert #1: doing more is not the solution.

We are going to focus on what your habits, dreams, and fears are and I'll teach you how to work with them instead of against so you can stop feeling so much pressure and resistance and invest your energy into taking actual steps that will get you to where you want to be.

My name is Luisa and I'm happy you found my work.

I was born and raised in Germany and currently live in BC, Canada. I'm a daughter, friend, dog owner, deeply connected to nature, and change worker.

My journey that eventually let me to coaching started 15 years ago with me trying to get answers.
Answers to why I, excuse me french, felt like shit on a daily basis, why I struggled with chronic fatigue and exhaustion, repeated the same unhealthy relationship patterns over and over again, why I struggled to stand up for myself, and never felt good enough no matter what I was doing.

I slowly figured out that we currently live in a system that teaches you that if you're struggling something is wrong with you. Whatever it is, it's your fault and you're crazy and you better hide whatever you're going through.

The reason is most likely that you're either not working hard enough, you're not smart, pretty, or good enough. You're probably just lazy and most definitely ungrateful.
Just do more, work harder, suck it up, and sure as hell don't forget to smile and look pretty.

I learned to ignore the little voice in my head telling me things weren’t normal and ignored my body until it was screaming at me and even then kept going until.. I was finally brave enough to admit that the way I was living my life sucked. Because it didn’t feel good at all and I was genuinely believing that I wasn't worthy, trusting other people's judgements and opinions more than my own.

And once I made the decision to become radically honest to myself, and lean into my struggles instead of avoiding them and understood the part our current system is playing, things changed very quickly.

I reversed my autoimmune disease, found my voice, and now have a level of confidence and trust in myself that I never thought was possible because I healed the most important relationship I will ever have in my entire life:
The one to myself.
Which exactly what I now get to teach my clients and I'd love to teach you too.

You are whole.

Nobody tells you this, especially not as a woman, but you are powerful and capable and you need to take responsibility and ownership over your life and the decisions you make. And it all starts with learning how to feel good about yourself.

Spoiler alert #2: You don’t have to wake up at an ungodly hour, drink 2 gallons of green smoothies and read 2 hrs before you start working to make a difference in your life.

I invite you to join me for 3 months so you can learn how to trust yourself, your worth, capabilities and bring more ease & fulfillment into your life.

You will learn how to see situations for what they are, understand your own patterns & stress responses, learn to reconnect to your body & work with your nervous system so you can make changes that are sustainable.

3 months of support includes:

Deep, effective, and sustainable change

by guiding you through everything you need to know about your own patterns, stress responses, beliefs, mindset & fears so you can get a clear idea of what where you’re at, where you want to go and what tweaks and shifts we can make to get you there.

9 private 1:1 Coaching Calls

to work through any roadblocks, overcome current issues you’re dealing with, and create your personalized strategy and actionable steps so you not only have a clear understanding of yourself and your circumstances but also know exactly what to do to move forward.

Access to me via e-mail or voxer

for additional support and accountability inbetween sessions so you can set yourself up for success and take full advantage of this container and get exactly what you need out of it.

You matter.

It’s time to take action and put yourself first for the next few months so you stop surviving and start thriving, feel more ease, joy, and fulfillment.

Here is what you can expect from working together:

A level of clarity & confidence

about who you are, what you want, and how you want to live your life you have never felt before.

The ability to stand up for yourself & speak your truth

so you never feel like you don't matter ever again.

A strategy that is tailored to your needs

you can lay over anything so you know exactly what to do when old patterns show up and keep you stuck.

A fundamental understanding of who you are

and what you need to do to fill up your cup and truly take care of yourself and those you care about.

Ability to connect to your body and intuition

because that will be the most reliable guide for the rest of your life.

The courage & strength you need

to walk away from situations that aren't meant for you and find the friendships, relationships, and connections you truly want and deserve.

What my clients are saying

“I have been working with Luisa for almost a year now. She walked me through dealing with my trauma and opening myself up to realizing where it all came from. With direct interactions and the many tools she shared with me I was able to understand myself on a very deep level and work through my struggles. I can truly say I wouldn’t have been able to change my life without her. I am very grateful to her. She’s a true professional and very knowledgeable in her craft.”
“If you're looking to turn your dreams into actual plans with tangible steps to follow - Luisa is your girl. Her unique approach made me feel incredibly supported and she helped me to finally let go of all the self doubt and habits that were holding me back for so long. Her work was more effective than a decade of therapy.”
“I've struggled with overwhelm and procrastination for many years until I found Luisa. Through her work I was finally able to work through years of mental blocks and no longer feel drained. I never felt so heard, seen, and validated in my life before and I was finally able to rebuild trust in myself and my capabilities again. Luisa is very intuitive and knows exactly when to push, challenge or just listen. She is very knowledgable and honest which I truly appreciate. Thank you so much.”


What if I’m not sure if I am ready or if this is the right fit for me?

book a free 30 min call with me and ask me any questions you might have and I will tell you whether or not the program is the right for for you

What if I change my mind? Do you offer refunds?

I don’t offer any refunds but I will always give my best to guide you through any struggles or roadblocks that might come up for you along the way.

How long is the program?

3 months. The majority of my clients chooses to work with me for 6-12 months so if you'd like to continue as well I most likely won't kick you out ;-).

Can you guarantee any specific results?

I wholeheartedly believe in the effectiveness of this program and my ability to help you increase the trust you have in yourself and the belief in yourself and your capabilities. However, I cannot do the work for you which is the reason I can’t guarantee any specific results.

What is the price for the program?

$1200 Different payment plans available since financial accessibility is very important to me.

Book a free 30- mins discernment call.

Any questions, doubts, concerns? Let's talk about it!

© All rights reserved Luisa Freudenberg2024