Feeling stuck, drained, and anxious is not normal.

And it’s time to return to who you actually are, find your confidence, and built a foundation for a life that you are proud of.

Feeling stuck, drained and anxious, might be common but it's not normal.

There is more to life than surviving and struggling even though we live in a system that is failing and a society that is built on not enough-ness. So I invite you to do the most effective work you can possibly do: Learning to live your life based on who you actually are it all starts with improving the most important relationship you'll ever have in your entire life: the one to yourself. Which is what my work is about.

What my clients are saying

“I've struggled with overwhelm and procrastination for many years until I found Luisa. Through her work I was finally able to work through years of mental blocks and no longer feel drained. I never felt so heard, seen, and validated in my life before and I was finally able to rebuild trust in myself and my capabilities again. Luisa is very intuitive and knows exactly when to push, challenge or just listen. She is very knowledgable and honest which I truly appreciate. Thank you so much.”
“If you're looking to turn your dreams into actual plans with tangible steps to follow - Luisa is your woman. Her unique approach made me feel incredibly supported and she helped me to finally let go of all the self doubt and habits that were holding me back for so long. Her work is very confronting in the best ways and was more effective than a decade of therapy.”
“I have been working with Luisa for almost a year now. When we started I struggled to get out of bed and was in a really unhealthy place. Today I run my own business and I am thriving. Could I have done it without her? Probably. But her support has been everything to me and I will forever be grateful that I have found her work. She taught me to me myself again, how to use my voice, snap out of my head, and get stuff done. She’s a true professional and very knowledgeable in her craft. She is incredibly kind but will not hesitate to kick your butt. If you let her, she will find a way to get you to where you want to be and I genuinely hope that you will. You will not regret it."
"At first I was a little hesitant since I have made bad experiences with coaching before but I am so glad I decided to work with Luisa. Her authenticity, knowledge, and ability to make you feel incredibly safe and supported no matter what you bring to her is and experience I want every single human to make.
She makes sure you always have tangible steps to work with and supports you every step along the way. I completely changed the way I think about myself, went from being and anxious mess to knowing exactly what I need to do to support myself no matter what situation I find myself in."

About my work

“I've struggled with overwhelm and procrastination for many years until I found Luisa. Through her work I was finally able to work through years of mental blocks and no longer feel drained. I never felt so heard, seen, and validated in my life before and I was finally able to rebuild trust in myself and my capabilities again. Luisa is very intuitive and knows exactly when to push, challenge or just listen. She is very knowledgable and honest which I truly appreciate. Thank you so much.”
“If you're looking to turn your dreams into actual plans with tangible steps to follow - Luisa is your woman. Her unique approach made me feel incredibly supported and she helped me to finally let go of all the self doubt and habits that were holding me back for so long. Her work is very confronting in the best ways and was more effective than a decade of therapy.”

RETURN is for you if:

you struggle to believe that you are worthy

because you often overthink, doubt yourself and your capabilities.

Tend to feel responsible for other people’s problems and the need to fix them

even though you know it's not your job.

Feel guilty for resting and have a hard time allowing yourself to feel joy and ease

because you always feel the need to be productive and the pressure that you are not doing enough.

You have a hard time asking for help

because you think you have to do everything yourself and struggle to trust other people.

Feel very motivated one day and struggle to get out of bed the next day

which makes trusting yourself & your capabillities very hard.

Feel easily influenced by other people’s opinions & advice and are not sure what is true for you

so you often feel like you have no voice.

Often blame / judge / criticize yourself

because you think there is something wrong with you and you need to be fixed.

Feel drained by your friendships and relationships

because you always feel like you're the only one putting in effort.

Constantly feel like you’re not doing enough

and should be smarter, prettier, more productive, etc.

you want your life to feel easier and the same time more fulfilled

but you have no idea how to do that because you get overwhelmed.

RETURN is my

Challenging mat pilates workouts, for all levels, to empower mind and body. Try your first session for free!